Tema düzenleyici

[XTR] FTSLider - Featured Thread Slider

Premium [XTR] FTSLider - Featured Thread Slider 1.1.7

indirmek için izniniz yok
4.00 Oylama
4 Değerlendirme - Raters
You need to have 3 messages to download any resource, your message count is 3. Keep try to be more active and join the discussions.
You need to have 0 reaction score to download any resource, your reaction score is 0. Keep try to be more active and join the discussions.
You need to have 3 messages to download any resource, your message count is 3. Keep try to be more active and join the discussions.

Come on - this just isn't good enough.
My message count is 5. It seems I need someone to 'Like' one of my posts, which is ridiculous. I don't recall if I paid for this add-on or not, but I'll probably just uninstall it and move on from XTR altogether.
Hello, a question:
You cannot take x threads from an x category, and choose them by date, ascending, ascending, or random. Without necessarily having to be Featured. That would be a great option. Like extensions, for articles, for famous CMS.
Now I understand, basically this adds another option in threads, to add them as featured.

Ich nutze ein xenforo 2.2 und bei mir findet er keine Bilder .
Also ich sehe nur ein drehendes rad,
egal wo ich die vorschaubilder hochlade.

Bir xenforo 2.2 kullanıyorum ve üzerimde herhangi bir resim bulamıyor.
Bu yüzden sadece dönen bir tekerlek görüyorum
küçük resimleri nereye yüklesem de.

Umarım google bunu doğru bir şekilde çevirmiştir


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