Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Which versions of XenForo is the add-on compatible with?
A: The [XTR] Temporary Sticky Threads add-on is fully compatible with XenForo 2.3.0 and higher.
Q: What happens when temporary sticky threads expire?
A: When the time expires, the thread automatically reverts to normal (non-sticky) status, and notifications are sent to both the thread owner and relevant administrators.
Q: Can I extend the duration after making a thread temporarily sticky?
A: Yes, you can extend or shorten the duration at any time from the admin panel. You can also convert a temporary sticky thread to a permanent sticky thread.
Q: Which user groups can make temporary sticky threads?
A: By default, all user groups that have normal sticky permission (typically moderators and administrators) can make temporary sticky threads.
Q: Who receives notifications?
A: Notifications vary depending on the situation:
- When a thread is made sticky: The thread owner
- When sticky duration is about to expire: Thread owner and administrators/moderators
- When sticky duration expires: Thread owner
- When sticky status is manually removed: The administrator who made it sticky and the thread owner
Q: How do I install the add-on after purchase?
A: After completing the purchase, you can download the add-on files. Install it using the "Install Add-on" option in the "Add-ons" section of your XenForo admin panel.
Q: Does the add-on have any negative impact on performance?
A: No, the add-on is optimized to use minimal resources and does not affect normal forum performance.
Q: How is post-purchase support provided?
A: Post-purchase support is provided via email and support forum. Technical issues are typically responded to within 24-48 hours.