In the pregnancy calendar pregnant users can closely follow her stage of pregnancy. Pregnant users will find information about the growth of her baby, changes in her body and the preparations for her birth.
General Options
For Daily; Make sure Day IDs should be entered unique and between of 1 and 280.
For Weekly; Make sure Week IDs should be entered unique and between of 1 and 40.
Pregnancy calendar - Stages
Example For Daily;
First week ID should be 1 - and day ID should be start with 1
Enter the values to each 7 day.
Continue with the Second week, week ID should be 2 - and day ID should be start with the 8
....continue sequentially.
Example For Weekly;
First week ID should be 1 - and day ID should be 7
Second week ID should be 2 - and day ID should be 14
....continues as multipliers.
Pregnant user due date section
Pregnancy calendar calculate the pregnant users stages of pregnancy by due date.
User can hide their stage of pregnancy status.
Pregnant user list
Pregnant users can view their stages of pregnancy below the own post.
- Pregnancy Calendar calculate trimesters automatically per all pregnant users.
pregnancy is divided into
trimesters: the first
trimester is from week 1 to the end of week 12. the second
trimester is from week 13 to the end of week 26. the third
trimester is from week 27 to the end of the