What's new on 1.0.8
- Added new "Rating Block" display location
- Added Top rated threads widget
- Added Best rated threads widget
- Added Types of Rating category option
All added categories have been tested with
Google Rich Result Test Tools .
Google Search Central > Documentation >Advanced SEO >
Review snippet
Category Type-1, represents the books, news, solutions, suggestions, articles, contents, explanations, recommends etc.
Category Type-2, represents the media seasons e.g. tv, radio, video game etc.
Category Type-3, represents things which are the most generic kind of creative work, including books, movies, photographs, software programs, etc.
Category Type-4, represents a media episode (e.g. tv, radio, sports competitions, video game) which can be part of a series or season.
Category Type-5, represents things which are games. These are typically rule-governed recreational activities, contents.
Category Type-6, represents a media object, such as an image, video, or audio object embedded in a web page or a downloadable dataset or Data Download.
Category Type-7, represents a collection of music tracks in playlist form.
Category Type-8, represents a music recording (track), usually a single song.
Screenshot samples for new options
Top rated threads: Displays a block containing a list (sorted by rating count) of X threads which have top rated been posted in.
Best rated threads: Displays a block containing a list (sorted by rating average) of X threads which have best rating been posted in.