Tema düzenleyici

Paid [XTR] Member Stories 1.0.0

Sürüm değişiklikleri

XenForo 2.2.x Compatibility
  • Requires PHP 7.2+
  • Supports only XF 2.2.2+
Note: Please do not install the add-on, if you are using lower than XF 2.2.2+

Sürüm notları

Stories are important because; Through stories, we share passions, fears, sadness, hardships, and joys, and we find common ground with other people so that we can connect and communicate with them. Stories are universal, conveying meaning and purpose that help us understand ourselves better and find commonality with others.

Don’t be shy. Don’t be humble.
This will really endear you to your audience.

1.0.0 Features
  • Soft delete to stories.
  • Hard delete to stories.
  • ACP Story list,
  • Share again any stories
  • Daily limit to member stories
  • Privacy option
  • User friendly control options
  • Widget support