Tema düzenleyici


  1. XenTR Offical

    Paid [XTR] Question Nodes Prefix Manager 1.0.3

    Define the prefix to adding automatically when post is marked as solution or unmarked as solution.
  2. XenTR Offical

    Paid [XTR] Post Limit To Create Content 1.0.5

    This add-on will allow you to set a post count, reaction count or trophy point on a per nodes basis for your members to create new content.
  3. XDinc

    Premium [XTR] Copy Node - Forumları Kopyala 1.0.0

    [XTR] Copy Node - Forumları Kopyala Yeni bir forum yada kategori oluştururken mevcut forum yada kategorileri kopyalayın ve zaman kazanın. [XTR] Copy Node - Forumları Kopyala Copy node when creating a new node and save your time.