Tema düzenleyici


  1. XDinc

    Add-Ons [XTR] Quick Jump Block

    A new product by XDinc is available: [XTR] Quick Jump Block 1.0.0 - Best solution to jump to directly frequently used URLs and nodes. [XTR] Quick Jump Block 1.0.0 Description Quick Jump Block is the best solution to jump to directly frequently used URLs and nodes with the open by click...
  2. XenTR Offical

    Paid [XTR] Quick Jump Block 1.0.2

    This addon allows you to add a block to provide quickly jump another location from the current page.
  3. XDinc

    Premium Featured Threads 1.0.5

    Featured Thread https://xenforo.com/community/resources/xtr-featured-threads.6834/ XenForo 2.2.x Compatibility Update Confirm XF 2.2+ support 1.0.4 - Change log Add-on templates updated . Requires php 7.0+ Supports only XF2.2+ In this release some of modifications / optimizations has been...
  4. XDinc

    Bilgi [XTR] Block Proxy Servers

    Değerli arkadaşlar, Proxy kullanarak internete bağlanmanız halinde, ziyaret ettiğiniz siteler sizin IP adresiniz yerine, bağlandığınız proxy sunucusunun IP adresini görüntüler. Dolayısı ile IP adresiniz baz alınarak edinilebilecek tüm bilgileri de gizlemenize olanak tanır. Ne yazık ki ticari...
  5. XenTR

    Add-Ons [XTR] Thread Info Block

    XenTR kullanıcımız yeni bir ürün yayınladı: [XTR] Thread Info Block 1.0.0 - Allows you to see the informative message and topic statistics on the first topic opened in the forum [XTR] Thread Info Block 1.0.0 Ürün Açıklaması Thread information block contains the information about a thread...
  6. XenTR Offical

    Paid [XTR] Thread Info Block 1.0.4

    [XTR] Thread Info Block plugin provides an informative message up to the specified character of the thread opened on the forum. At the same time, it creates a general statistics on the subject opened. In this way, detailed information about the subject can be obtained.
  7. XenTR Offical

    Paid [XTR] Quick Touch Block 1.0.3

    The Quick Block is a really time-saving and visually beautiful add-on for XenForo administrators.