- XenForo Sürümü
- XenForo v2.0-2.1
- XenForo v2.1+
This simple CSS will change you to a different color base, which includes the necessary code for sub-nodes.
Also provided is an option to set / change Category icons.
NOD icons.
You have to chose 3 shades of color for each category # 3, dark shade for main category color, lite shade of same color for line # 15 & 28 20 & 33 for nods and sub-nods having unread items.
1. Category Icon
2. Category Base Color (Dark)
3. Node / Sub-Node (Lite color having no unread item)
4. Node / Sub-Node (Medium Color Having Un read items)
5. Displaying Nod Icons (font-Awesome) have separate CSS code. (also included in nod-icon.css)
6. Showing [NEW] in the front of the forum.
You can download the attached CSS files and add the same in EXTRA.