Tema düzenleyici


  1. XDinc

    Premium [XTR] User Group Avatar Frame 1.0.2

    This add-on allows you to add a avatar frame by user groups. XenForo 2.2.x Compatibility Requires PHP 7.2+ Supports only XF 2.2.2+ Note: Please do not install the add-on, if you are using lower than XF 2.2.2 This version only support to XF 2.2.2+. ACP > User groups Just select avatar...
  2. Mian Shahid

    Eklenti [ITD] Pirates Avatar Set 1.0.0

    Additional requirements [Xen-Soluce] Avatar Gallery A set of 10 pirates type avatars. Instructions: - Download the attachment. Un-ZIP downloaded attachment and upload contents of [upload] folder to your site root and select install from ACP> Adfd-ons section, or. . . . Select install /...