Tema düzenleyici

Paid Special Pro 1.0.1

Sürüm değişiklikleri

  • XenForo 2.2.10 compatibility
  • The add-on for the theme has been updated. (New version 1.0.1)
  • Fixed some bugs related to Node icons. Also improved [XFA] Nodes Icon Tweak add-on compatibility.
  • Added new timeline for posts. Added a new option to the style properties for this. Note: This feature only works with the First post horizontal selection under the message layouts tab in Theme Customizer.
  • Message layouts in the theme customizer are now enabled in articles and other forum types as well.


Sürüm notları

This update simply fixes a few minor bugs and addresses the outdated template that is appearing on the latest version of XenForo (2.2.10).

Templates changed:
  • xentr_core.less
  • xentr_theme_customizer
  • xentr_theme_customizer_colors.less
  • xentr_style_customizer_head_js
  • xentr_style_customizer_body_js

Before Upgrading:
As always backup your current styles before importing the new version. Backing up is simply exporting your current styles before upgrading.