Tema düzenleyici

Paid Ryzer Pro 1.0.4

Sürüm değişiklikleri

  • All templates are now compatible with XenForo's v2.2.0 Release Candidate 2.
  • Some new styling features have been added.
  • The add-on developed for the theme has been updated.
  • Some missing phrases have been added.
  • Node statistics structure has been updated.
  • Some issues previously reported by customers have been resolved.

Sürüm notları

Note: This is beta software style. As you know, XenForo v2.2.0 Release Candidate 2 version is not officially supported.

We do not recommend running beta software in a production environment, and support is limited at this time to questions here on the community forums.

You must test your add-ons thoroughly or look for updates.