Tema düzenleyici

Paid Elegant Dark 2.2.2

Sürüm değişiklikleri

  • XenForo 2.2.2 compatibility
  • All templates are now compatible with XenForo's 2.2.2 Release.

Sürüm notları

Note: Please do not install the style, if you are using lower than XF 2.2.x
This version only support to XenForo 2.2.x+.

If you think need to help, you can contact us or create a support ticket.

As we announced the before we updated our all styles for new archive installation process.

Please follow as the below steps to correctly installation or updating process.

-First of all download the style which you purchased from the customer area to your computer.
-Second step is extract the downloaded .zip file to a folder.
-Third step is installation of the style framework add-on this add-on should be in the add-on folder included in the style package. Now you can install from the AdminCP > Add-ons section.
-The last one is so basicly, now go to the AdminCP > Appearance > Styles page and select the .zip file in the XML from archive folder with the browse button to perform the installation process.

Congratulations you have completed a successful installation or update process.

Do not forget that the operations to be applied outside of these steps may cause different errors.

We would like to remind again that we are always with our customers, it is pleasing for us to find solutions to the problems they will experience together. Do not hesitate to contact us and / or create a support ticket.