- XenForo Sürümü
- XenForo v2.0-2.1
- XenForo v2.1+
Forum moderator permissions:
- Can change thread owner
- Can change thread date
- Can change post owner
- Can change post date
- Can change profile post owner
- Can change profile post date
- Can change profile post comment owner
- Can change profile post comment date
XenForo Media Gallery:
XFMG: Media moderator permissions:
- Can change media owner
- Can change media date
- Can change album owner
- Can change album date
- Can change comment owner
- Can change comment date
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Global Forum Bağlantısı-Kodlayıcı Bilgisi
- https://xenforo.com/community/resources/change-content-owner.6124/