- XenForo Sürümü
- XenForo v2.0-2.1
- XenForo v2.1+
Also provided an option to set/change Category icons (Line # 5).
Also provided an option to change NODE icons (see nod-icon.css).
You have to chose 3 shades of color for each Category, in line # 3, dark shade for main Category color, lite shade of same color in line # 15 & 28 for if no un-read items in node and sub-node, and medium shade of same color in line 20 & 33 for node and sub-node having unread items.
- Category Icon
- Category Base Color (Dark)
- Node / Sub-Node (Lite color having no unread item)
- Node / Sub-Node (Medium Color Having Un read items)
- Displaying Node Icons (font-Awesome) have separate CSS code. (also included in nod-icon.css)
- Showing [NEW] in front of node having unread item is an other CSS which you may find some ware in xenforo official forum too.
You can download attached CSS files and add the same in EXTRA.LESS after necessary changes as per your requirement.
An Overview
That's All