- XenForo Sürümü
- XenForo v2.2+
- Alerts when new updates are available (can be disabled in preferences and add-on options)
- Summary of updates available (ACP index and Add-ons page, can be enabled/disabled in options)
- Info about new versions and quick access to download/changelog
- Possibility to ignore add-ons, or specific versions of addons
- 30 add-ons are allowed by default in the free API key
- +30 add-ons cost 6€ / year
- +60 add-ons cost 12€ / year
- There is a 10% rebate of the total price per forum, up to 30%, so if you have multiple forums it makes sense to buy the upgrade at the same time
Note: This addon will do callbacks to Welcome | XF Addon Update Notifier to check for new versions at regular intervals...
Note 2: after installing the addon you'll need to go into the options and enter the API key to get it running (instructions on how to get key is there also)
The most used XF add-ons
Add-on developer?:
Addon developer needing help with how to do versioning? go here: